
Musings and ponderings of an aspiring writer



The golden hour, where the night and day intertwine. The in-between, the neither here nor there. The merging of two becomes one.

The magic at that perfect moment is profound. Here, you may get a glimpse behind the veil of forgetfulness. This is the time when dreams are real. And yet it is a time I am usually fast asleep – or am I awake? My true form in the twilight?

When the ego mind is offline, and the soul still travels the different planes of existence?

This world desperately needs more free thinkers, writers, poets, and actors who bring storytelling to the next level. And musicians, music helps the soul dance, freeing the spirit within.

The first page of a book grasps my imagination, the poem's first line speaks to my heart, and the first glimpse at a painting stirs my soul. That is a moment of feeling alive when the soul’s expression of another touches all senses. And the ego is not present.

Early morning is the time before the day takes control. I am getting up early to connect within before anything else. The veil I speak of is the one which separates us from our true nature. It runs the show, and the ego mind is the condition from which the part of us has adapted to survive a life that does not align with who we are.

Alas, that is how it was for me. I never even considered that there is more to life than following the often ridiculous rules of society. I am so grateful that I have woken up from the sleepwalking I did for most of my life.

Have I figured it all out? I don’t think I have, but I know who I am and how I want to live. I embrace all that I am and let my Soul lead the way.

I am finding my own path and using the tools I have learned. I practice my morning meditation and write first thing in the morning. I am still in bed with a pen, notepad, and cup of tea. What do I write about? Whatever wants to be written. Sometimes, my writing turns into essays or poetry. Other times, it is a message from the higher Realms. Inspiration strikes in the moment least expected. But inviting the stillness to be part of my life is where it is born, the seed planted.

And that is how creativity works for me. I get my inspiration in many ways: a daily spark of a word, a sentence, a poem, a piece of music, historical buildings, walks in nature, sitting by the sea, and just being. I let go of the mundane, letting go of the worries and stress from a society that is hell-bent on destroying itself.

And I am inviting in the unexpected, the spontaneity. Then, let's do it and see where it leads. The hardest lesson for me was letting go of the should, must, and have to, the need to control A, B, and C, and working in places vastly removed from what my soul needed.

As it is for so many people, I was not allowed to be who I am. I am too much of this and that, cannot wear this or that and have never felt good enough.

Every day, I fall increasingly more in love with who I am. I love what I am doing and touch the lives of others with love and kindness. The ego mind does not drive this love; it comes from deep within.

That is who we humans are. We are beings of love, kindness, and compassion hidden behind the Veil of Forgetfulness and buried under layers of conditioning, carrying the karma from our ancestors. (Please do your research regarding Epigenetics.) Experiencing duality to bring this separation into oneness is the mission of the collective consciousness.

It is no longer about the evolution of the Soul; it is about the evolution of the collective Consciousness, leaving animal consciousness behind.  

Now, I live a life where I follow the guidance of my soul, a life where I check within myself before I make a decision. I allow myself to say no when I don’t want to do something without justifying the why. That was another lesson I learned. I answer a question or request but no longer explain myself. It was interesting to watch how it played out. Give it a try and see for yourself.


Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed my musings and ponderings.


Much love


Anja xx









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