Assisting women to find their own

Truth, Wisdom and Power

I motivate individual woman to find her authentic self, to transform and transcend her life.

Welcome to

Crystal Rose Temple

Please note that events are under each workshop.

Workshop/Reiki Courses are on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays, please check before booking/enrolling.

Welcome to my sacred space.

My name is Anja and I am the founder of Crystal Rose Temple.

Crystal Rose Temple's goal is to help you find your authentic voice and provide a comforting refuge where you can feel secure and at ease in your journey of self-discovery.

Who am I?

Why am I here?

What is the point of all this?

Why can't I be more open, more loving?

This question is about understanding the deeper meaning of your life experiences.

And 'Why me?' is about recognising your unique journey and its potential for growth and healing.

I am to old, to fat, to …..

Are you at the point where you are asking yourself the same questions?

That there has to be more to life than getting up, going to work, and going to bed?

A life that has purpose and meaning and sings to the heart, a life that can be yours too, filled with inspiration and hope?

The sense of feeling happy, whole and in harmony, a feeling of contentment and peace that can be yours, too?

If this resonates with you, you have found the right place.

As a spiritual life coach, I can guide you on a transformative journey to wholeness. Together, we will uncover your true self, shedding the layers of false beliefs about ourselves and our reality.

Reiki, with its myriad benefits, is a powerful catalyst for your journey back to yourself. A session induces profound relaxation, awakening your body's innate healing powers. Learning Reiki can truly revolutionize your life on all levels.

Crystal healing and Angel Therapy are excellent ways to accompany you on said journey.

Ancestral lineage healing involves the bloodlines Mother & Father wounds, and significant shifts in an energetic level can occur. It works by changing the energy patterns imprinted onto the DNA, which is called Epigenetics. It can also change your relationship with your parents and elders.

My Reiki Rose, a comprehensive blend of these transformative practices, is a life-altering experience. Feel free to reach out to me directly to learn more about its effectiveness and how it can work for you.

Reclaiming your power, walking the path to your true nature, and learning to trust your own wisdom takes time, courage, and devotion.

This journey of empowerment, transformation, and authenticity can be yours, too.

So that you, too, can live a life that aligns with who you are.

Please note that I do have a cat. She is not part of the treatment but she lives indoors.

Why Use Our Treatments?

Do you feel something is missing in your life?
Is your past holding you back?
Confused in which direction to go?
Or feeling stuck?
Not sure which spiritual path to take?
Trouble sleeping at night?
Feeling exhausted?


All sessions are individually tailored to your requirements.

The following four treatments are one hour long and can be booked via the Bookings page.

Treatment 1

Surrender to the Divine energy of Reiki

 Reiki Bliss

Reiki is Divnie Life Force energy. It is a gentle method in re-balancing the bodies. Bodies as in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.

Treatment 2

Release the burden from the past

Ancestral Lineage Healing

Ancestral Lineage Healing gives you the opportunity to connect to your ancestors and to heal the cord connecting you and to those who walked before you.  This is not talking to the departed loved ones. It is healing and letting go of the Karma which does not belong to you. It is healing the bloodlines, the mother wound and the father wound.

 In science we learn that we have what is called Epi-genetics, its part of our DNA.

Treatment 3

Crystals are powerhouses and hold energy


Crystal healing goes back to the time where we lived in caves. Crystals are powerhouses and hold energy which we can use to restore balance to all our bodies.

Chakra balancing with the supportive energy of crystals, Aura bath using crystal wands.

Treatment 4

Angels are powerful divine beings from the higher realm


Angel Therapy is my heartfelt approach to healing and personal growth. I believe in the

profound wisdom and loving guidance of angels, and I am here to help you connect with

these divine beings for support, comfort, and spiritual assistance.


An overview of what I offer. Reiki training, all levels. Crystal workshops, Angel Workshop and Intuitive Art.




New offerings for you.




The Synergy of Reiki and Crystal Healing:

This workshop blends Reiki and Crystals to created a profound space for the client to receive the combined energy of Reiki and Crystals. Please get in touch if you are interested and I let you know when this event is going live. This open to all who have done Reiki Level 1.

Tranquil Mind Community:

Sandra and I have been offering you a weekly community since last year. This community is specifically designed to support each other, meet with like-minded people, and focus on personal development and spiritual growth.

We meet every Monday evening at Wychwood Village Hall. The first Monday is dedicated to Reiki Crystal Singing Bowl Bath, and the following Mondays, we offer a variety of activities. By signing up for my newsletter or following the link to the Tranquil Mind Community, you can ensure you never miss out on these regular sessions.

This is an excellent opportunity to ask personal development and spiritual growth questions. You receive Reiki healing every week while you are in a channelled guided meditation. Attending on a Monday evening sets you up for the busy week ahead.

A moment for you to take care of your whole well-being.

Reiki Rose Transmissions:

Experience the unique power of Reiki Rose transformative sessions, a healing method that offers a profound, lasting transformation.

You can find a detailed article about this healing method on my About Me page.

During the sessions, you are proactive in your healing journey. I provide a sacred and safe space for you to release all that no longer serves you, from conception to romantic relationships, inner child, and connecting with the Elders to release Karma that has been carried through many lifetimes. Womb healing and blessings are also part of this journey, ensuring a profound, lasting transformation. This process frees you from the past, allowing you to live fully in the present.

Ricky Jinks from Alsager wrote on 10 January 2022 at 6:46 pm

"I have received a reiki treatment with Anja and have also done a 2-day one-on-one Shoden course.

It’s beautiful working with Anja as she has an energy that radiates love, calmness, openness and honesty. I look forward to doing the next level with her and would recommend anybody to join Anja for a course or just a session. You are in safe hands."

Sandra from Crewe wrote on 20 January 2022 at 9:20 am

"Anja and I have attended trainings together and had the benefit of both giving and receiving treatments which is important for all therapists.

When I meditate with Anja or receive reiki I drop into a calm, deep and very peaceful place.

The place where all healing takes place. It is a joy to share that space.

Anja is an avid learner always open to developing herself and then passing the benefit of those learnings onto others.

I highly recommend Anja who always gives 100% in

everything she does."



By Anja Roberts February 22, 2025
Following my passion The need to write & create, and what happens when it doesn’t happen. Some of you know I have a holistic business that is still growing and evolving. My bread and butter, so to speak. I genuinely enjoy it. And yet, it is not enough to fulfil the needs of my Soul. There are various paths a soul can follow. Many want to walk the path of Truth, but not many do—me included. The path of service is the most common and still a challenge to embody. And the path to create. There are many more, but this will do for now. The path to be of service and, at the same time, that of the creator. That is the path I am navigating. What happens when I am not walking the narrow path when I am mainly writing content? I feel unwell, slightly off-kilter, irritated and somewhat impatient when I ignore the early warning signs. The trick is to find the right balance between what needs to be done – like writing course material and writing purely for the love of it. When I ignore the need to create art, I get depressed. Every day, I put the need to paint on the back burner, and my mood gets low. That is what happens to me when I am getting out of balance. Feeling moody and snappy – not very Zen at all. How do I balance what needs to be done and what my heart desires? I make a list—what must be done and what can wait a moment—and I create a plan. I have so many hours free today, and I allocate time to everything I either have to do or want to do. Don’t get me wrong; I enjoy writing content, too. Why not use AI for content writing? Well, since you have asked. Everything is energy. The words I write are an extension of me; my content comes from me and will carry my signature energy. AI can’t replicate that. It may mimic emotional responses, but it has no soul. No energy nor an essence. That is why it is a valuable tool, but it will not replace human writing. As I said, everything is energy and carries a unique vibration, and let me tell you – you feel it. You feel whether an AI wrote the book or a human did. Well, that is my opinion. Feel free to disagree. The need to write and create is real for me. My energy is high, I feel great, and I am in my vibe. I enjoy writing. I enjoy creating art. I enjoy healing. I enjoy teaching. I enjoy shooting the breeze and doing nothing at all. I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences related to these musings and ponderings of a curious mind. Your insights are valuable to me. Much love to you all. Anja xx
By Anja Roberts February 20, 2025
Reiki and your Space Usually, people are called to learn about Reiki because they want to make changes in their lives or want to help others change and heal. Basically, what happens through the help of Reiki is a huge, needed shift in energy in the individual’s life. The old, heavy, negative energy leaves while the new loving energy comes in and soothes and heals—the 21-day cleansing process. What is often overlooked and causes a surprise block of varying levels is how clean your space is. This includes your home environment, your work office, and your vehicle. Clutter of any kind, boxes, pictures with less than positive memories attached, old clothes, rubbish, old paperwork, broken appliances, unused furniture, disorganization and mess of any kind pull in dark, stagnant energy. This stagnant energy combats the healing work you are doing with Reiki and puts a damper on how far Reiki can really take you. Thankfully, there's a simple solution to this unexpected Reiki block. Clean your space! And I don't mean just a quick vacuum. I’m talking about a deep cleanse, a purge of anything that doesn't actively contribute to your space's positivity. This applies to your home, car, workplace, and any other place you frequent. It's a straightforward yet powerful step that can alleviate the unexpected barriers to your Reiki practice. Creating a high-vibration space: Take a look around your space. Is it light, free-flowing and open? Or are there things you keep telling yourself you must hang onto that are actually creating blocks? Create three piles in the middle of your space: 1=Items to Keep. 2=Charity Shop. 3=Bin. Get honest with yourself. If you need a friend to help, don’t feel bad. Positive support from someone is always good. This cleansing experience is going to change your life and your vibration. Get rid of anything in your space that is not being used and/or actively adding positivity daily. Let everything go. Once your space is clean, send Reiki to it. Sit in the middle of the space. Picture a large white ball of healing, loving, cleansing energy. Make a large Master or Power Symbol over the ball. Imagine that it grows larger and larger until it pushes all that is negative out of the space, leaving nothing but love and light. Ground yourself and give thanks. Your space is now ready to take you to higher levels than ever before! Getting real and clearing out your space allows the Reiki energy to show you how full of light and powerful it is. With no hidden blocks or negative energy in your environment, your Reiki work can really take off and reach higher levels than you ever thought possible. Give it a try!
By Anja Roberts February 10, 2025
A glimpse into the seven-chakra system Chakras and why they need balancing The appropriate crystals can be placed on the chakra and around the body, affecting the chakras and, by default, the Aura. That is the basic explanation. Now imagine the transformative power of balancing the chakras and cleansing the Aura afterwards. It's a journey of self-discovery and healing. There is more to it; you only discover that when you have a treatment. How do you know when your chakra requires a boost, cleanse and balancing? When one chakra is out of kilter, it has a knock-on effect. But only an experienced practitioner can identify what is happening within you, providing you with the confidence that you're in good hands. This blog covers the seven chakra systems, the same one used in Yoga. The Root Chakra is located at the end of your spine, near the perineum, and is associated with red. Keywords: Survival, health, abundance, passion, endings and new beginnings, connection to Mother Earth/Gaia, security. Signs that the Root/Base Chakra requires TLC: • Chronic lower back pain • Feeling of insecurity • Immune disorders • Sciatica • Water retention To name a few signs that the Base Chakra is not aligned. Crystals used with the Root Chakra are Bloodstone, Smoky Quartz, Tiger's Eye, Red Jasper, Hematite and Snowflake Obsidian. The Sacral Chakra is associated with orange and sits halfway below the navel and pubic bone. Keywords: creativity, energy, relationships, innocence, sex, fertility, independence, joy, happiness, self-employment. Signs the Sacral Chakra requires some TLC: • Chronic lower back pain • Lack of confidence • Sexual impotence • Menstrual cycle issues • Unbalanced emotions These are just a few signs that the flow of energy is constricted. The crystals used with the Sacral Chakra are Carnelian, Copper, Orange Calcite, Moonstone, Citrine, and Rutilated Quartz. The Solar Plexus Chakra is Yellow, located above the navel and below the diaphragm. This is the powerhouse where all our emotions reside. Most energy cords are attached here and may benefit from cutting, which is done during the session if appropriate. Keywords: Courage, strength, emotions, logic, taking responsibility, self-esteem, learning, fight/fly respond, confidence. Signs that this chakra needs a helping hand are: • Difficulties to concentrate • Eating disorder • Skin issues due to stress • Insomnia • Digestive issues These are just a few signs indicating a reduced flow of energy. Crystals used for the Solar Plexus Chakra are Citrine, Ametrine, Helidor, Sulfur, Golden Calcite, Amber and Sunstone. The Heart Chakra is located behind the sternum in the middle of your chest. The associated colour is Emerald Green with soft Pink interwoven at the edge. This is the centre of unconditional love and the soul's seat. Keywords: Love, safety, trust, harmony, beauty, kindness, sleep, gentleness, hope, seeing beauty everywhere, no judgement, relationships. Signs that this chakra requires some TLC: • Emotional confused • Narrow mindedness • Judgemental • Heart disease • Lung disease, asthma, chronic colds and influence symptoms • Relationship breakdown These are just a few signs that the flow is not flowing freely. Crystals suited to the heart chakra are Amazonite, Malachite, Green Aventurine, Watermelon Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Larimer, Rhodochrosite, Morganite and Garnet. The Throat Chakra is located above the collarbone in the middle of the neck. The associated colour is sky blue; this chakra is the centre of communication and expression of creativity. It is also the gateway between the Heavenly and Earthly energy, which flows through all that exists. Keywords: communication, creativity, freedom, choice, following dream, responsibility, speaking your truth. Signs that this chakra requires some TLC: • A weak or bad back • Fear of speaking your mind • Skin rashes • Anxiety • IBS or Crohn's disease • Feelings of unease • Difficulties in staying focused These are just a few indications that this chakra is unbalanced. Crystals that work well with this chakra are Blue Lace Agate, Aqua Aura, Blue Fluorite, Angelite and Aquamarine. The Brow Chakra is also known as the Third Eye. This chakra is located in the middle of the forehead above the eyebrows. The colour associated with it is Indigo. This chakra is the centre of intuition, where creativity and inspiration combine. Psychic abilities and gifts are also focused here. Keywords: ideas, honesty, psychic gifts, dreams, truth, teaching. Signs that this chakra needs some TLC: • Headaches and migraines (no medical reason) • Sinusitis • Eye conditions • Lack of ambition • Personality disorder • Lack of inspiration and creativity The above can indicate that the energy flow is not as free as it could be. Crystals that work well with this chakra are Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Moldavite, Celestine, and Apophyllite. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head. The colour associated with the chakra is violet or white. It is the centre of spirituality, enlightenment and the connection to the Divine Consciousness. Trauma can lead to a sudden opening – or closing down. Emotional trauma can have the same impact. Keywords: awareness, trust in life, invention, spirituality, devotion, selflessness, values, fulfilment. Signs that this chakra needs some TLC: • Depression • Vanity • Dementia • Skin conditions • Nervous system disorder • Disconnection to the Divine • Feeling pessimistic These can all indicate that this chakra needs balancing. Crystals which work well to balance this chakra are Amethyst, Howlite Sugilite, Charoite, Herkimer Diamond and Selenite. Remember, your health is a priority. Please seek medical advice before working with crystals. This blog is only the tip of the iceberg, and your well-being is paramount. If you would like to learn more about crystals and chakras, please attend my next crystal workshop.
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