Reiki is a wonderful method to heal on all levels. It does that by addressing all the bodies we are made off. The physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etheric, and karmic body. Reiki goes where it is needed. What does that mean? When we are ill, or feeling depleted and tied, it is the physical body which lets the mind know that something is not right, is no longer in balance. Reiki can help with this.
But there are times when it seems that Reiki is not working. No release or improvement were present after treatment!
Why is that?
First of all, Reiki goes to the underlying issue. Meaning Reiki is working on the emotional and mental body. Reiki gives us clues to find the reason for the imbalance. You may feel more relaxed after a session. Or you feel less anxious for a short period of time. But the stress and the anxiety are returning. This happens because of the misunderstanding of what Reiki can and can not do. It is not a magical pill and once taken you are cured of all issues. No such magical pill exists.
Reiki is Universal Lifeforce energy, Prana, Chi. It has many names and has been channelled by human’s for millennia. The energy of Reiki is supple, gentle and has it’s own intelligence. Because of that very nature it flows where it is needed. If you feel anxious and suffer from panic
attacks Reiki will show you the reason why you suffer from that.
Someone has a very high blood pressure and is totally stressed out; Reiki will find a way to help you to feel less stressful for it will show you why you feel that way. Reiki goes to the bottom of that which is causing the imbalance in the first place. It will work in a way you did not anticipate.
For Reiki it work you must let go of any expectations, surrender to the flow of Reiki and be open to what ever will happen is for the highest good.
Another reason why Reiki is not working is the lack of patience! As mentioned before, Reiki is not a magical pill that fixes you. It is normal to have three to six sessions to help you to get to the cause of the issue. How many session do you have with your physio therapist? Or Chiropractic?
To feel whole and rejuvenated takes time.
Once the main reason for receiving Reiki has come to an end, you may find yourself to go for Reiki once a month it keep everything flowing nice and easy. Reiki does not seem to work when you attach the energy to an outcome. Indeed, Reiki can be use in many ways. It can be sent to situations and into the future!
Say there is a natural disaster, like the recent earthquake in Turkey, you can send Reiki to the region. Now here it is where the mind can interfere. The need to control the Reiki energy, this comes from the ego mind. Reiki is Divine energy, has its own intelligence and will assist this situation as it sees fit. The Universal Laws are unbreakable and absolute. When we use Reiki in a situation like this we ask that Reiki goes to the event and does work for the highest and greatest good of all. That is all what is needed from the practitioner. This also applies when we give a treatment. This way is the way Reiki should be used. May this client receive all the healing he/she needs for his/her highest and greatest
good. That’s all. And of course, hold the space. Here we are in accord with the Universal Laws.
Using Reiki for future events. If you send Reiki to a job interview and specify that you want this job, most often that does not work. It would be better to ask to get this job, if it is for my highest and greater good, or something better. And trust that if it is mend for you, it will find you. To be open to the endless opportunities and limitless possibilities the Universe has on offer. It is our self-limiting beliefs, the conditioning from society, that is stopping us from living our best life. Surrender to the power, the energy of Reiki and trust that in the end it will surpass your wildest dreams. I trust that this blog gives you a better understanding why it seems that Reiki is not working. As long as you are open to receive Reiki, without any expectations, it will work.
To the Reiki student One reason you may feel that Reiki is no longer working could be that you either not practice on
yourself daily or have expectations in what to feel or see. Reiki is a lifestyle. As simple as that. It is a gift that keeps giving and there is no end, no destination.
When you have fully embodied Reiki, have become Reiki, you have a very different perspective of yourself and the reality you find yourself in. Reiki can change your life. If you are devoted to Reiki, that is.
Many Reiki blessings
Anja xx