Welcome beautiful soul to this month’s forecast.
This month starts with the celebration of Imbolc, which is on the 3rd of February. Imbolc, which is also known as Saint Brigid’s Day (or Candlemas) is the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, heralding longer and warmer days.
On Sunday the 5th we have the Snow Moon (Full Moon) and you may find that you sleep lightly. This moon is asking us to be still and to reflect on our life. For the last six months or so I have run an event on Full and on New moons, plus the festivals of the Wheel of the year. Meditation and card readings are part of the event.
Please get in touch with me if you would be interested to attend, it is free of charge.
We are still in the season of winter, but I thought I would share this with you. That winter is already halfway through. It may brighten your day, knowing that spring is round the corner.
Reiki can help too, to banish the winter blues, to reduce stress levels and reduce anxiety.
Or even better, learn Reiki for yourself. Awaken your inner gifts and talents and see how Reiki can change your life.
Reiki level 1 is on Sat the 4th of Feb, please click the link to find out more.
Or you could try Introduction to the world of Crystals. During the day you learn so much about how to use crystals. Here is the link to my website for more info.
Or just book a treatment with crystals to see what crystals can do for you.
Reiki-share for February is on the 8th, please contact me if you would like to come along. Please note that this is for Reiki trained people only.
February the 14th is Valentine’s Day, how wonderful. It’s all about love. For those who are single, fret not. Practice self love. Take yourself out on a date – in fact – date yourself! Truly. Date yourself if you have no romantic entanglements. At the end of the day, if you NEED someone in your life, you have a problem. Your happiness has nothing to do with another person.
On my website you find blogs on different topics regarding growth and development. Please check it out, you may find some interesting meaningful articles. I am very proud of this one if I say so myself. And no, it is not about baking a cake!
I am nearly ready to launch my online psychic art course. That is a course for those who want to work with the Higher Realms of Light. Those beings who want to help us on our journey to our true self. The duration for this course is 6 weeks. I feel that is the right amount of time to get to grips with the basics.
I also have started to do online Tarot/Oracle card readings which you can find on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube!
Angel of the month:
Angel Barachiel gifts us with blessings and abundance. As the chief of our Guardian Angels he assists them to care for us and guide us in our everyday life. Barachiel will bring to you good fortune and positive energy, even answering your wishes if you ask the Angels for help. Particularly around love, romance, friendships and matters of the heart. He wants you to feel that your prayers are being heard and to give you signs of recognition.
Crystals for February are Amethyst and Jasper.
Wishing you all a wonderful month, filled with love, joy and laughter.
Blessed Imbolc
Anja xx