When we feel that we are stuck in live, are in a rut, and bored out of our mind by our daily routine, it is time to have an adventure. Yes, you may go on holiday once a year. But what about the rest of the time. Are you spontaneous? Being playful?
When you embark on the journey to become your authentic self you will find that you are getting more and more sensitive to energy, your own, and that of your relationships and environment. That which was bringing you joy, does no longer do. Friends you had, they are either going with you, or they leave you. Let them go, that way you create space for new people to enter your life.
When you do your daily meditation practice you are starting to change. By discovering who you truly are, and the layers of your illusions are slowly falling away, your vibration goes up. What you are thinking about – you attract, like a magnet. You will find that those how are playing victim and wallowing in self-pity will, unfortunately, attract more of the same.
Here is where the meditation practice is coming in. By sitting in meditation, the brain shifts into a different frequency. Past situations will come up for review. Things from your childhood, teenage years and all your adult life, they are all coming up. The emotions attached to them as well.
Here it gets tricky. When those emotions arise you must acknowledge them, feel them, and let them go with love and compassion.
Do not let the ego grab hold of them and create a story around that which is coming up for you. Detachment from the emotions means you feel the energy moving inside your body, putting no name on it.
Just say “I feel something is moving inside of me”, just feel the energy. The ego wants to grab hold of the sensation and put a name on it. No one goes through life without getting scares. The difference between people is how they deal with it. Everybody is doing the best they know how to.
Including you. Self-awareness is the key to it all.
What has this all to do with an adventure you may ask? By going on an adventure, you go and do something new. Something you normally wouldn’t do. By doing that you change the energy level you feel stuck in. When you have an epiphany (which is the whole point of meditation) you then feel the need to do something differently, going to do something you normally won’t do. Spontaneity and a sense of adventure and being open to play, to be silly and curious. That is what live is all about. By doing something different
I am going to London, on my own via the train. I was invited to attend a professional photoshoot!!! How amazing is that? I didn’t think about the public transport, nor that I need to finally go and buy new clothes. Nope. I said yes to this adventure. It will be grant!!
Going with the flow and saying yes to the opportunity’s life is presenting you with. Not getting hung up about the costs involved. Having to navigate Euston train station and hailing a taxi. For you it may seems silly. For me it is well out off my comfort zone. Not the travel per se, but meeting new people, learning about style and fashion. And it may lead to something else, who knows.
During your free time you can start to get curious, investigating something new. At can be as simple as going for walk in a different location. Or starting a new hobby. Going out to see a play at the theatre.
Anything that is different to what you normally do. Routine is great and does have a place in our daily life. But your Soul – it wants to grow and evolve, to experience different things and thereby expanding.
The whole point of life is to live as a human with Soul leading the way. It is not about you; it is about your soul.
When you watch toddlers exploring the world, being curious and playful – that is our true nature. That is why we feel so much joy and deep love when we watch the little ones toddling about. Our mind and our heart are, at that moment, in total alignment. The driving force of our existence is that of being curious about life, having adventures, stretching our minds to the endless possibilities and the wonder of life itself. Life will find a way to get you out of your comfort zone. And that can be very traumatic.
Remember I said it is all about the expansion of your soul (your higher self), the growth and personal development change brings about.
Do yourself a favour and have an adventure!
My next one will be clay pigeon shooting and archery, I have never done it before so here we go. Again, something new, a new location, new people to meet and a new skill to learn.
When will I do it? The moment I feel stuck of course. Or I get an invitation.
Much love and many blessings
Anja xx