During a meditation I meet and worked with the Goddess Kali. She, who is the embodiment of Divine
Feminine Energy is also feared and known as a destroyer.
Where she shows up, upheaval and change will follow. No different as when you get the Death card in the Tarot, or the Archangel Azriel.
Death as the destruction of the old mindset, death of the ego. To then aid the transition and transformation. Which it does in many ways. Change means we must adapt, going into the unknow.
That is scary, this unknow place, and worse – the not knowing what will happen.
We live with the blinkers on, holding on with all our might onto that which is familiar. This pattern of behaviour has been going on for millennia. Past on from generation to generation. But no longer.
The evolution of the collective consciousness is unstoppable, hurrah!
Which is playing out for everyone in it’s on way. For some this transition is easier, for others it is very
hard. Know this – you can not control your live, nor the future.
What you can do is come into alignment in who you are and take action to steer your life into the direction you want it to go.
You learn the difference between reacting and responding. You set boundaries and take full responsibility for your life and the choices you have made. A hart lesson to learn, I know. Been there myself.
When Kali enters your life be willing to work with her. She will not destroy you, rather she will help you to get to the highest timeline you can reach in this incarnation. If you are willing. Free will, you need to give permission, and be willing to listen for she does not sugar coat it. She is holding a mirror in front of you, see yourself. Truly see who you are. No hiding behind a mask. For that is pointless for she sees all of you. Look into the mirror and see – and feel. Feel the shame, the guilt, the rage, the jealousy, the anger and hate, the judgement, and the need to control, the laziness and the feeling of superiority.
See it all and be brave by feeling it. You can not heal if you do not see and accept the shadow aspect of yourself. It does not mean to wallow in it. Feel the energy moving within, see it and say thank you for showing me that. Cry a little if you need to, scream if you need to, stamp your feet like a 2-year-old. Go for a run or power walk. Emotion is energy in motion. If it can’t flow, it manifests. How often do you want to bite back at your boss? Off of course you can’t. Which means the energy can’t find a way to flow, thereby it manifests inside the body. Which results in stress, ulcers, and such like.
Kali helps you to release all that which is no longer serving you, and all that stops you from moving up the timelines. The lower emotions I have mentions above can not exist in the higher timeline – 5D.
To move up to that level and stay there permanently the old must go.
Her message for us is this:
“Be brave, have courage. When you are ready to change your world, call me in. I am happy to assist you on your journey to your highest timeline.”
Working with Goddess Kali was very different for me. Her energy was very powerful and the work we did together has already changed a few things for me. Kali is fierce, very in your face and doesn’t hold back. Working with Master Merlin, or with other Ascended masters of the Council of Light, or the angels and Archangels is very different.
With much to you.
Anja xx