There must be more to life than getting married, to have kids and work for 6o years and more?
With the ascension of Gaia (Earth) we are all given the chance to evolve, while in a human body. To become a better human being. The shackles of generations, the breakdown of the old, the refusal of some to let go of the old.
What confusion and challenging times we live in.
The fact is that more and more people are waking up. Questioning everything, everyone, and themselves. Why am I here? What is the purpose of this all?
We all know that the formative years growing up shapes how we see the world and who we are.
The expectations, the rules and regulation of society does not give room of individuality, nor free thinking. This is going on for generation. I am not saying that we shouldn’t have any rules. What I am saying is to question whether what your belief to be true to is your own belief.
I also ask you to see yourself as you are – not how you think you should be. Confused? Right, I share with you how I discovered who I am. It was Reiki that opened my mind to the fact that there is more to life than I thought. When I learned Reiki, I learned how to meditate. That is the first thing one learns. There are different meditations practices.
Shoden, which is Reiki Level 1 intraditional Reiki teaches different techniques. All are based on breath and focus. Not a guided meditation into the hidden Realms. You also learn the precepts of Reiki which are the foundations
on which the system is build on.
It is expected that you practice Reiki every day, and twice on a Sunday! To learn Reiki you need to practice, practice and practice some more. The more you put in the more you get out. Over time the practice becomes second nature. Getting up 30 minutes earlier to meditate. Sitting in traffic during rush hour, chant the precepts. What does happen in meditation is that you are starting to see and feel who you are, and who you are not. Old pain and suffering are coming up. To finally be seen and felt.
Patience is one thing you will learn on this journey of self-discovery. For you can not force it. All
that is required of you is to sit in stillness and observe your thoughts. No need to wallow in suffering,
nor lashing out. Life is a journey, a never-ending story with many chapters and pages. The ups and
downs, the birth, re-birth and death. On the journey home to yourself you will see a lots of deaths
and rebirths.
One of the hardest deaths is that of the ego mind. That truly is like the battle of “The Five Armies”. The older and more stubborn you are the harder it will be. And yet it does not need to be like that.
The battle within us comes from fear and clinging onto what was and the need to know the outcome before even starting on this journey. The key is surrender, to let go and to trust that our higher self, our intuition, our soul knows the way.
That’s it. Simple really. Buddha said all suffering comes from the mind. Indeed. Reiki, devotion, and patience. Devotion and patience is vital, the discipline not so much. Reiki is one way to find your voice, your authentic self. There are many other methods, schools, and practices. Yoga, Chi Gong, Tai Chi are the most common. All combine breathwork with movement.
Perfect for those who find it hard to sit still. I have trained up to the level of High Priestess in the Rose lineage and have embodied the teachings of Reiki. This has enabled me to assist many others on their journey of self-discovery. The awakening and rise of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine is changing the world. By rebalancing both energies which we all are made from.
By doing the shadow work we bring about change. Change is hard, and scary. Here we need trust, compassion, and courage.
To change your life on all levels you need the following ingredients:
One discipline (Reiki,Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Yoga or something else)
Compassion for self, and others
Forgiveness for self and others
The result (the cake)
A delicious cake of joy, happiness, inner peace, balance, health, and unconditional love. With zero
calories. Enjoy
Much love and many blessings to you.
Anja x