December News
Hello beautiful Soul of the Light,
I trust that you are well and that life is treating you right.
It is hard to believe that we are starting the last month of this fantastic year in preparation for the next one, which is only a few weeks away.
The New Moon on Sunday, the 1st, perfectly aligns with reflecting on and setting new intentions for the future. I am hosting a free New Moon meditation and healing session on Sunday. Please join me if you can. It's from 7 pm and is for only 30 minutes.
Topic: New Moon Meditation
Time: Dec 1, 2024, 07:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time
Anja Roberts is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: New Moon Meditation
Time: Dec 1, 2024 07:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 6819 2579
Passcode: 057830
Reflecting shows us how far we have come, what worked well, and what did not.
Life, family, and work are the ideal growing grounds.
The many challenges we face provide growth opportunities.
We will take action only when our “gage” gets rattled.
Take Christmas as an example. The pressure and expectations, the meeting of family members we would rather not see. I wrote a blog about “The Great Expectations " on my website and Substack. Please check it out—apparently, I went on a slight rant, oopsy.
I want to share with you how I deal with people who get on my last nerve.
Firstly, I say, “Thank you for triggering me” From there, I use this:
I am sorry,
Please forgive me,
I love you,
I thank you.
It works, truly. It does not change the other person but the energy field between you two. Remember that none can make you feel anything unless you allow it. The power to react and respond lies with you, always, giving you a sense of control and empowerment.
Meditating on it to see why it winds you up, go deeper. Behind every thought lies another.
Forgiveness is vital for your inner peace. Letting go of expectations leads to more peace and harmony within.
My main trigger is technology when it does not work as expected.
It teaches me a few things here:
I am not in control.
Be patient.
Trust the process.
It's time to make a cup of tea!
My cat Arwen teaches me forgiveness. To forgive her when she wakes me up at 5 am demanding a snuggle and her breakfast!
Once the Christmas tree is up, after she investigates the whole thing, I may need to practice forgiveness. All my cats manage some destruction in one form or another. It's hilarious, and I get to buy new stuff! I call that a win.
It seems that this newsletter is turning into a newspaper.
I am in the middle of getting my art onto my website, and I am busy writing essays and poetry.
And newsletters.
The “news” is that the Tranquil Mind Community program is live, starting this Monday with our unique Reiki Crystal Sound Bath Healing event.
It is the perfect way to prepare for a more balanced and harmonious Christmas.
Please click the link to learn more about our weekly events.
During December, I still teach Reiki and the Introduction to the World of Crystals.
Or treat yourself to one of my healing sessions, your gift to yourself.
A few notes:
The Full Moon, also known as the Cold Moon, is on Sunday, December 15th. Charge your crystal with its light, and you can make Moon Water!
The Archangel for December is Haniel, who is “The Joy of God.” She brings joy, hope, faith, and reunion between loved ones.
December has three birthstones: Zircon, Turquoise and Tanzanite.
On this note, I wish you all a marvellous December and a wonderful Christmas.
Much love and many blessings.
Anja xx