Embracing aloneness, the shift in consciousness.
The other day, I heard the call of the sea. A driving need inside of me was to walk along the water's edge, so with a friend, we set out to do just that.
Luck was with us; the tide was on its way out. We sat and watched the cresting of the waves. It was a calm, foggy day. I heard the waves, lulling me to rest my eyes and listen. A thought came to my mind:
“Listen and hear what is not said”.
Interesting sentence. I feel that this line means listening. To listen to hear – not listen to say something. To deeply listen – and hearing what isn’t said – is a gift to be treasured.
It is finding someone who listens without an agenda. To hold space when the other one is speaking.
I am cultivating it: to be better at listening, to sense how the other person is feeling, and to be fully present.
Sometimes, I say nothing, not because I didn’t hear but because I don’t feel I need to say something.
It's a fine balance to know when to say something and when it is okay not to say anything.
I do tend to drift into my own world, which is not so great at times. Sometimes, I find it hard to stay present and not be away with the Fey. When I am on my own and just listen to nature, I lose all sense of time and space.
Which is not great when I am out with a friend.
A few years ago, my beloved dog Jake crossed the Rainbow Bridge. My morning walks over the fields, through the woods, or along the beach were a treasure—just him, being a dog, and me. I miss the long walks and him. To this day, I still feel connected to him. He still has the power to bring tears to my eyes. It’s been three years since he passed. And yet, at times, I still grieve that he is no longer here. It goes deeper, but I won’t share it today.
Alas, back to solitude and aloneness.
This is part of the spiritual path. The shift from an ego-driven life to one that comes from the soul. Dropping the mind into the heart and letting the soul lead the way. The shift in consciousness. Living a spiritual life that operates in a 3-D reality. Life, with its ups and downs, is our most excellent teacher. Live provides the ground for our evolution, growth and learning. A situation will repeat itself until the lesson is learned. The moment we get triggered allows us to respond or to react.
Life becomes easier when we are fully present, in the here and now, and to go with the flow of the Universal Intelligence.
Listen to what is not said. Feel how it makes you feel and where you feel it. Pay attention to your energy field. Does it expand or contract? What lights you up, and what drains your energy?
Your energy field is your aura, also called your Bioenergy field. Every living thing has one.
I can see it, and we all can sense it. It runs 24/7. With practice, you can hone your sensitivity to it and learn how to read it consciously. If you wish to do so.
I am comfortable with where I am. I have noticed how much I have changed over the past 10 years. I am walking my talk. The shift in the relationship with family and friends. The loosing of some friends and meeting new ones. I pull away from those who can’t accept that I no longer fit into their expectations of who I should be, conforming to them.
Sorry, I don’t do that anymore. I am that I am. Take it or leave it. It is not my job to please you. This was not easy to do. To be true to myself ruffled a few feathers.
At heart, I was a born rebel, but life taught me to conform—or else. I don’t care anymore now, and I have become quite a crusader in my own way. I am doing as I please.
I write from the heart.
I paint from the heart.
What you see is what you get.
The gift of getting older is the wisdom gathered over the years. I have come to the conclusion that, in the end, it comes down to this.
How well have you lived?
How well have you loved?
How many people have you helped without an agenda?
Thank you for reading; I hope you have enjoyed my musings, ponderings and wonderings.
Much love
Anja xx