Transition from one state of consciousness to another. The journey of personal development and spiritual growth has many layers, many ups and downs. And takes months, years even, to reach the top of the mountain. Alas, it is not about reaching the top – but to enjoy the journey to your own
heaven on earth. Every person is unique; therefore, everyone has a different journey. Even people from the same soul family are very different and individual. This uniqueness and individuality is what enriches life on Earth.
The area of the age of Aquarius is here, finally, and brings with it much needed change. This transition period is going to take many lifetimes, for this is just the beginning. The beginning of a new golden age, and we have a front row seat to see it and to manifest this even more. Lightworkers
channel Christ light, showing the way of a new way of being and living. They can be warriors, healers, artists, alchemists, way-showers and teachers.
Walking this path is a devotion to the Light, to one’s soul. Over millennia mankind has lived in a world of suppression, coercion, exploration and stamping out individuality. Now the world is changing, day by day, one person at the time. The war between light and dark has already being won by the light. This is showing up in how many people are awakening – daily. Authenticity, reclaiming personal power and looking for more. A deeper relationship, fulfilment, joy, freedom, individuality, and liberation.
This can be a very challenging time for many. The confusion what is true, who am I, where do I fit in, which is the right path?
So many claim to be awaken – but are there? On YouTube and other social media you find many experts. Which one to choose? Use your intuition, trust your gut.
I can’t tell you what to do, nor do I want to. Firstly, everyone is different, has a unique path to follow, the latter; I would dis-empower you if I tell you what to do.
What I can do is sharing what I have done, what I have learned and what I am doing to keep digging deeper into who I am. What you need to change your life, to shine your light as bright as you can is this:
Patience: lots of it. It takes time to fully stand in your power, to be your authentic self and lead a life that is in alignment in who you are.
Compassion: lots of that, for self and for others. Remember you did the best you could do, with the knowledge you had at the time.
Forgiveness: by the bucket load. Again, you did your best. To see the pain and disconnect in the one who wronged you. Not to forget, nor to play it down. But forgiveness helps you on your journey. Not the other person, that is their karma and has nothing to do with you.
Devotion: Dedication to your path of self-mastery. You will get side-tracked or want to give up for it is not working! Devotion, dedication and a promise to self.
You are that important. Scarify one hour a day for your own growth and development, perhaps get up one hour earlier for a morning
Unconditional love: Do you love yourself unconditional? All that you are, all that you were, all that you will be. Love is our birth right, love is all that is and all that matters.
Meditation: You can not grow if you do not learn how to meditate, that is a fact. There all so many different meditation practices out in the world, you will find one that will work for you.
I teach meditation techniques when I teach Reiki, and during my other workshops. Meditation helps us to observe out thoughts, helps us to feel our own energy, and at some point, that of other people.
A daily meditation practice connects us to our core, our soul. Here in this stillness, we can here the wisher of our soul, our heart. Meditation cerate’s a space of consciousness and expands further and further. It gives us all we need, for we already have all that we need, and who we are. Meditation allows us to see out true self. It is a place where there is no ego mind present.
Mindfulness and an awareness of our thought help us to live a richer, fuller more meaningful life. Open mind: Indeed, an open mind to the limitless possibilities the Universe offers. The ego mind will fight this. An open mind is entering the unknown. And that is scary. The ego mind will be in full
protector mood. Re-assure the ego mind that all will be well, we are safe and want to investigate possibilities.
Curiousness: the desire to find out more. To learn more about who you are.
Courage: Be brave to explore new levels of consciousness, to step into the unknown. To stand fully in your power, no longer needing approval or acceptance from others.
For me it was Reiki which open the door for my own spiritual growth and personal development. Along the way I trained in other disciplines. I am curious and brave, wanting to learn more and more.
A thirst for knowledge: The need to learn more and more about the unseen world of our imagination. Esoteric teachings are part of this.
Acceptance: You will never have all the answers, be okay with this.
Trust: Trusting our own intuition, and trusting that if it is for you, it will not pass you by.
Here I like to say that you still have a life to live. Having an awareness of who you are, what you want your life to be you must act.
You dream it
You feel it
You take the right steps
Life, growth, energy – it never stays still, is forever changing, moving, transcending and even in death the circle keeps going. For the soul is immortal. And life is about soul. Soul’s mission and own evolution. That is what life is all about. Connecting to our soul, letting soul lead the way while living inside a human body.
As always brought to you with love
Anja xx