My journey of personal development started with Reiki. That was in 2003, until then I never heard of Reiki, growth and development. Mediation was an alien concept for me.
While I embarked on this unfamiliar path a new acquaintance introduced me to crystals. And, as the saying goes: The rest was history. Reiki and the power of Crystals on their own are highly beneficial. But when you blend them, it is a very different kettle of fish altogether.
I recommend that you work with that which is calling you. One or the other, or both together, the choice is yours. If you are willing you can play with both, use them separately and then combine and experience for yourself how the energies work. Some people are very sensitive, others less so.
But with time and practice you get more sensitive and aware of energy. Your own energy and that of your surroundings. Sensing energy is a skill you can learn, its like a muscle you haven’t used before.
Or better said you were not aware of energies.
You unlearned to read energies and auras while you were growing up. When you start on the journey of energy work you unlearn the conditioning and rediscover what you always knew.
That you are made of energy, that everything is energy and ultimately how to navigate life using the flow of energy. I know, it sounds rather bizarre, this whole concept so far out there that it seems like a fantasy. Energy, what on Earth are you talking about, you may say. And I would have agreed with you once upon a time.
Let’s start with Reiki. Reiki is a hands-on healing method that aids the body to reach a deep relaxing state. And yet it is so much more. It does work on the emotional, mental, physical, spiritual, karmic and etheric body.
The energy of Reiki addresses imbalances at the chakra system, rebalances and realigns these chakra points. Those who are familiar with Yoga know about the chakra system, the wheels of energy points. It is a spiritual discipline for those who wish to learn Reiki.
By learning Reiki you learn to meditate using the breath, you learn the precepts of Reiki, which are the foundation of Reiki itself. Kanjis, mantras, jumen, sensing energy, opening your mind, and your heart.
You learn one Reiki level at the time. This is to ensure you truly understand Reiki, what it can do – and what not. It also prepares your own body and mind for the journey to your true self, your true nature.
It is an ongoing journey, challenging at times and highly rewarding.
Now you start your journey with crystals.
The use of crystals goes back to the time we were living in caves. Harnessing the energy of crystals in healing and raising our vibrating, to manifest into this reality what we wish to have. Crystals as a meditation tool to access Higher Realm, connecting with Elementals, the elements and with Gaia herself.
When you use Reiki and crystals at the same time you amplify the energy.
Say you work on the hara using focus breath and you use crystals like Garnet, Bloodstone or Black Tourmaline you can experience intense energy. The beauty with Reiki energy is that you can’t do it wrong, or overdose. Reiki has its own intelligence. I know, more out of the realms of possibilities. Until you practice energy work yourself you will be wondering whether I am pulling your leg or not. I could say trust me – but I am a stranger telling you that there is more to life then you can possibly imagine. The Bard had that one right.
Reiki, with or without the bonus of crystals, can change your life. Reiki can open doors for you never thought existed. The journey of personal development and spiritual growth is ongoing. The journey itself is the destiny. A dance between the ego mind and the heart mind. The yin and Yang weaving the path. A path your soul knows. The ego mind needs love and compassion to trust the soul's leadership.
Ultimately it comes down to this.
The devotion, dedication, and discipline you give to your own life’s journey.
If you are happy with where you are, stay. But if you are feeling that there is more to life, the yearning to be living a life that is meaningful, joyful, and peaceful.
Then be brave and step into the unknown. Let Reiki be your guide and teacher. Leading you home to your true authentic nature.
Much love
Anja xx