Here is a thought to ponder. Is there a right or a wrong answer? Or is it more a personal understanding, based on your own knowledge and intuition?
There are spiritual teachers who say that the seat of the soul is in the base chakra, and it is
important to birth the presence of the soul through this chakra. It would make sense for the kundalini energy resides in the base/root chakra.
When the kundalini rises enlightenment takes place. The connection from the bottom of the spine to the top of the
head, travelling through all the chakra, bringing harmony through the whole system. Or is the seat of the soul in the heart chakra? Be consciously working on one’s spiritual growth and personal development one opens the heart. Soul starts to lead the way to a meaningful and heart centred life.
The transition from the 3D reality to the 5D reality is in full swing and will take another ten years to be fully anchored into the world.
This is the awakening of the masses. More and more people are waking up from a long slumber. Confused, feeling betrayed and scared of what is happening to them and having different teachers giving different truths does
not help.
The problem, as mentioned at the beginning, comes down to the perception and understanding of the teachers. I do not have all the answers. I can and do share what I feel and understand what is going on. But that is my truth, my understanding, and the messages I receive.
Who are my teachers? My own guides, and well know teachers like Diana Cooper, Tim Whild and Elizabeth Peru.
Why? you may ask. Because they resonate with me. I do listen and then use my own discernment to take on board what resonates with me.
Another question I find interesting is the spirit or/and soul. What is spirit? What is soul? Is it the same?
Here it gets interesting.
If the soul resides in the root chakra and the spirit in the heart – is it possible that the soul is expressed through the spirit via the heart.
That once the connection is firmly in place, soul and spirit blend and act as one. Is the spirit the expression of the soul, the soul’s personality?
Does it matter? Perhaps for the ego mind, which likes its labels and filing cabinet it is important. For me, personally, not so much. I feel energy, I feel the emotions and vibration of other people, pets, buildings, and places in nature. I can look at a person and just know whether they have integrity or not. Or whether they live their lives from an open heart, or not. Are they firmly living in the 3D mindset or have they woken up and trying to live in the 5D. I just know.
I wrote a blog about the difference between the 3D and 5D reality. I like to believe that my future is based in the 5D reality, and I do a lot of inner work to get there.
The 5D reality is so very different than this current one. And so much more in alignment with my soul.
Inner work is shadow work, healing and releasing trauma. From this lifetime and all those before this incarnation.
And on the ancestral lineage as well. There are many ways to practice inner work. Reiki is one of them.
The beauty with Reiki is that it is a gentle method to help yourself. It addresses all the bodies in a way that is suited to you.
Crystal can enhance the experience by rising the vibration during a session. Learning Reiki is even better. Practicing Reiki daily is easy to do once you have learned how to do this.
Many blessings
Anja x