News update for August 2024
Hello, beautiful soul of the light,
Summer is flying past, and we find ourselves in August already. The Lion’s Gate, a significant cosmic alignment, has been open since the 26th of July. It will peak on the 8th and remain with us until the 12th of August. This annual alignment of Earth, Sirius, and Orion in the zodiac of Leo serves as a powerful portal for Higher Divine Consciousness to flow.
It is a time of transformation, healing, and spiritual growth, making it an optimal period for manifestation. Like a spiritual power-up, this cosmic event reminds us that we are all part of a larger, divine plan. The world is transitioning from a lower level of consciousness (3D) to a higher one (5D), and soon, Earth will reach an even higher level (6D). This transition is causing the turbulence we see in the news.
One of the Reiki precepts is “Do not worry”, meaning that which you cannot control, you let go of. Some things are beyond our control, and our energy depletes when we get drawn into the drama. That is a fact. We regain our power by stepping away, allowing us to see the bigger picture. Observing life without getting buried and caught up in it is not easy.
Reiki teaches practical tools like meditation, self-healing techniques, and energy balancing to navigate life in a calmer state. It leads the path to your true nature.
Who are you beneath all the labels and roles you embody?
A Reiki treatment can offer a fleeting glimpse into what Reiki provides. Hands-on healing is one pillar on which the whole system is built. There are five principles on which Reiki stands. With its profound teachings and tools, Reiki has been the guiding light in my life, empowering me to navigate my journey with grace and wisdom.
As I walk my path, listening to my heart and intuition, I align with who I am and my journey ahead.
I am delighted to share my reflections and ponderings about life, using the wisdom I have gained over the past 15 years. I share these to connect with you and show how every situation we encounter can be our teacher.
I share some of my musings here on this blog page, other writings you find on my substack page.
I want to take this opportunity to let you know that due to other commitments, I will not be able to offer any training days throughout September; treatments will continue for half the month.
We will return to normal in October.
A few dates for your diary:
Reiki Level 2 Sat the 10th of August
Introduction to the world of crystals Sat the 17th of August
Reiki Level 1 Sat 31st of August
The New Moon is on Sunday, the 4th of August.
The Full Moon, this year's first Super Moon, is on Monday, the 19th of August. This moon is also known as the Sturgeon Moon or Corn Moon.
The first harvest is coming in at the end of August, leading to Mabon in September.
With its bright sunny days, August invites us to spend as much time outside as possible. This helps our energy bodies reset and aligns all bodies. Spending time outside brings us back in touch with Gaia and helps us ground the energy through the Lion’s Gate into the physical.
Grounding is important. It keeps us in alignment with the energy flow, which is always in flux. The ascension into higher consciousness cannot be stopped. The impermanence of life and time is forever moving and changing.
We can ride the currents of life with grace and trust or hide in a cave and wish it away.
I know which I will choose. I choose love and liberty.
Much love and many blessings,
Anja xx